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I’m so glad you’re here!


Do you see people in your church who come to be fed, but they’re missing the greater calling in following Jesus: to make disciples?

I’ve seen it too. Pastoring for years, my husband and I didn’t know how to change the pattern we saw - no matter what message we shared from the pulpit or in a small group setting. We knew something needed to change, but didn’t know what that something was.

We discovered, over time, spiritual formation was taken off the body of believers, and put on a building. Because of this, we have churches filled with people who don’t even realize they are commanded to ‘go and make disciples.’


My hope is together we discover our part in God’s big story. By living a life filled with both urgency and courage, we don’t miss the greater calling we have as followers of Jesus.  

“Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:1-2 CSB).

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Having grown up in the center of Minnesota lakes country, I was surrounded by trees that provided safety and shelter from the elements. All that changed when I moved to North Dakota. It took years for me to appreciate the wide open prairie, with flax and canola fields as far as the eyes can see with their gigantic, vibrant horizons. Now I find myself simply gazing at the beauty every time my family takes to the highway. 

You will often find me at home, snuggled under a blanket in my recliner with a book in hand, coffee cup nearby, and one of my cats demanding I move to a different chair. When I’m not at home you will either find me at one of my sons baseball games, or cheering on my daughter in her pursuit of all things music.


Before I started writing, words always had a special place in my heart. Between books stacked on my nightstand and a shoebox under my bed filled with cards and letters, I have learned to soak in the words that both encourage and challenge me. 

My husband and I were children’s pastors for 15 years, and we started leading a church 2017 in the heart of our little Midwest state. We love being in full-time ministry, along with our three kids, because we feel God has called all five of us to something greater than ourselves. It’s an absolute honor to witness lives changed because of what Jesus did on the cross. 

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Megan C.

Educator | USAF Spouse

Sara is one of the most genuine human beings I’ve ever met. I would describe her as a “what you see is what you get” kind of person. And what you get is someone who is honestly, wholly, unapologetically, on fire for her savior Jesus. She wants to show others who Jesus is, and how to share him with others.

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